diversify your social media content gary vee
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Why you need to diversify your social media content, according to Gary Vee

We like to call Gary Vaynerchuk the meteorologist of social media. For the last decade, he has been making calls about the climate of social and predicting what the future will look like… and he’s often right. He is a proponent of creating more, doing more, taking more action.

His mentality is that if you’re not creating content right now, you’ll regret it. Vitamin C couldn’t agree more. But it’s not just about the amount of content you put out or the amount of value you provide, you need to pay attention to where you’re putting it.

What we believe to be the king of social media currently is Instagram. With the number of users and content creators and the algorithm, it’s getting harder to be seen and grow through organic reach alone. More competition and content has upped the ante on how often you need to post and the quality of your posts. Vaynerchuk offers another solution to break through the crowded space: diversify where you post.

Diversify your brand by investing in audiences outside of Instagram could be the key to longevity on social media. There are many other platforms out there that are easier to penetrate than Instagram right now. Vaynerchuk talks about investing time in TikTok and LinkedIn, as they are untapped potential for visibility and growth. Also, growing audiences on your personal website traffic, email list, Podcast, and Youtube are other avenues you can take.

Migrating your brand and expanding it to less saturated spaces is a strategic move that Gary predicts will result in wins for the people who listen. If you are a content creator in 2019, this prediction is not one to ignore. 

Here are some ways to diversify your content output beyond the world of Instagram.

1. Diversify your social media content

Double down on content creation and put 50% into another platform other than Instagram, like YouTube.

2. Recycle your content

Find ways to recycle your Instagram content (old and current) and format it for different platforms. Make it easy for yourself to spread your original content by creating a streamlined system that can package material differently for each outlet.

3. Do your research

Each platform has different nuances about them and strategies for reaching more of your desired audience. Look up what people are doing to succeed on each platform.

4. Stay consistent posting on different social media platforms

Stay consistent in your new expansion. Set a content output goal for a different platform and give it at least 365 days before you re-evaluate your plan. Obviously mini pivots along the way are a smart move, but stay the course and stick to your goal.

When Gary spits truth, we always listen. Take this advice and go apply it for your personal brand. This strategy can pay off big for those who take action and diversify their social media content.

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